Cllr David Hodge makes case for integration of care services to county areas in light of Greater ...
County councils have highlighted the ‘hidden’ issue of funding the transition from children to ad...
A Conservative county council leader has expressed his exasperation at the lack of devolution dea...
County chiefs have this week warned failure by an overly centralised NHS to support radical chang...
An independent report on devolution into non-metropolitan areas has not ruled out further local g...
Financial problems, winter pressures and extra burdens piled on the health service has eroded the...
Chair of the County Councils Network Cllr David Hodge restates case for a review of rural funding...
Research issued this week by the Centre for Cities think- tank shows the UK remains split into tw...
The economic gap between the south of England and the rest of the country has widened in the last...
Local government reaction to the finance settlement, which was announced today.
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for a dynamic and inspiring Service Director for Planning, Economy & Culture... Apply for this job
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for an experienced Housing and Community professional to join our leadership team... Apply for this job
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for a dynamic and inspiring Service Director (Practice, Improvement and Quality)... Apply for this job
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for a dynamic and inspiring Service Director for Planning, Economy & Culture... Apply for this job
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for an experienced Housing and Community professional to join our leadership team... Apply for this job
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for a dynamic and inspiring Service Director (Practice, Improvement and Quality)... Apply for this job