Local authorities ask for permission to raise council tax above referendum threshold
More councils have pleaded with ministers to increase their council tax above the 5% referendum limit without holding a poll, it has emerged.
By Dan PetersLocal government minister Jim McMahon has rebuffed accusations that reorganisation amounts to a ‘top-down diktat from Whitehall’.
The Government has officially revealed that it has received requests to postpone elections this year from 18 councils.
The Government must go further with its reforms of Right to Buy (RtB) to give councils more flexibility and control over how the scheme operates locally, English councils said today.
English councils have warned they may have to make ‘unnecessary cuts’ if the Government pushes ah...
The approach to a tourism tax being taken forward in Scottish and Welsh cities could be a startin...
More councils have pleaded with ministers to increase their council tax above the 5% referendum l...
Local government minister Jim McMahon has rebuffed accusations that reorganisation amounts to a ‘...
We’ve made a promising start, with the Commissioners’ report last summer recognising our substantial progress. Apply for this job
We’ve made a promising start, with the Commissioners’ report last summer recognising our substantial progress. Apply for this job
We’ve made a promising start, with the Commissioners’ report last summer recognising our substantial progress. Apply for this job
We’ve made a promising start, with the Commissioners’ report last summer recognising our substantial progress. Apply for this job
We’ve made a promising start, with the Commissioners’ report last summer recognising our substantial progress. Apply for this job
We’ve made a promising start, with the Commissioners’ report last summer recognising our substantial progress. Apply for this job
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Nathan Elvery looks at how to create and build effective partnerships in an increasingly complex...
The council-led delivery of the Northumberland Line could inspire local authorities to take the l...
A project aimed at better understanding the contribution of physical activity in helping to chang...
John Leach is set to become joint chief executive at Redditch BC and Bromsgrove DC.
Rotherham MBC’s chief executive Sharon Kemp, has announced that she is to step down.
Birmingham City Council has made a string of appointments to its senior leadership team.