Author Profile

Sarah Longlands

Articles by Sarah Longlands

Now is not the time for Westminster to tighten its centralising grip

By Sarah Longlands | 25 March 2020

Reducing the spread of the virus requires Westminster to loosen the reins of power and to trust d...

Let's get serious about decent pay

By Sarah Longlands | 22 May 2019

If we are serious about building a resilient northern economy then we need to start with the peop...

The real task ahead after deal or no-deal is to reconcile the bitter divisions

By Sarah Longlands | 30 January 2019

If we are to overcome the divisive nature of Brexit, we must let people into the decision-making ...

The finite capacity of civil society

By Sarah Longlands | 13 November 2018

How much capacity has civil society got to absorb the increased demands on its financial and huma...

The North finds its voice

By Sarah Longlands | 19 September 2018

On 6 September I attended the first Convention of the North in Newcastle. This was an historic ga...

Where next for the Northern Powerhouse?

By Sarah Longlands | 24 July 2018

The current Northern Powerhouse debate is based on a very conventional model of economic growth. ...