Author Profile

Sarah Longlands

Articles by Sarah Longlands

A compelling vision

By Sarah Longlands | 24 July 2023

Sarah Longlands says we cannot let pragmatism dampen our belief in better times ahead and she set...

Be brave when times are tough

By Sarah Longlands | 30 May 2023

Inflation may have eased, but there are tough times ahead. Sarah Longlands urges local authoritie...

Getting healthier and wealthier

By Sarah Longlands | 04 April 2023

The potential of Integrated Care Systems to harness their economic heft and level up locally is e...

Investing in the basics

By Sarah Longlands | 30 January 2023

A new kind of northern politics needs a new kind of economic thinking, not the piecemeal approach...

No green shoots from the Spring Statement

By Sarah Longlands | 21 March 2022

Sarah Longlands says that Westminster may be retreating to a pre-COVID state of policy inertia on...

You can't level up from Whitehall

By Sarah Longlands | 07 February 2022

The Levelling up White Paper spent a lot of time talking about ancient history, but will do littl...

Devolved potential in Cornwall is under threat from central Government inertia

By Sarah Longlands | 12 May 2021

Sarah Longlands says that unlike the ‘hero’ style approach of the mayors elsewhere, Cornish devol...

Back where you started

By Sarah Longlands | 16 March 2021

We are 'finally starting to see through the fog of rhetoric on levelling up', says Sarah Longland...

The chancellor must go beyond warm words

By Sarah Longlands | 02 March 2021

Director of IPPR North Sarah Longlands poses three core questions for chancellor Rishi Sunak ahea...

Westminster must not sidestep local capacity and expertise on net zero

By Sarah Longlands | 19 January 2021

Local government has already shown its commitment to net zero, so it is crucial that Government i...