Author Profile

Greg Clark

Greg Clark

Greg Clark is former communities secretary

Articles by Greg Clark

Avoiding wheezes and whims

By Greg Clark | 08 August 2023

The Government is about to publish a revised version of the National Planning Policy Framework, b...

Devolution is the only game in town

By Greg Clark | 07 July 2016

Greg Clark says the Government must recognise that the case for devolution to local government is...

A first class economic journey

By Greg Clark | 06 April 2016

Writing exclusively for The MJ, Greg Clark explains why national GDP matters locally and how regi...

Time to make an impact

By Greg Clark | 01 July 2015

Secretary of State, Greg Clark, says a lot can be learned nationally from local government’s prob...

Looking back on five years as a minister

By Greg Clark | 17 March 2015

As the current Parliament draws to a close, cities minister Greg Clark reflects on his ministeria...

It's not about the money, money, money

By Greg Clark | 11 November 2014

Greater Manchester’s local growth deal points the way to future devolution of powers from Whiteha...

Cities will drive our economy

By Greg Clark | 13 October 2014

Greg Clark MP writes that for the first time, housing, infrastructure and other funding is being ...

Dealer's choice

By Greg Clark | 10 June 2014

Greg Clark sets out the rationale for the soon-to-be-announced Local Growth Deals

The enterprise agenda

By Greg Clark | 20 May 2014

There is no better time than now to be running a local authority committed to leading local econo...

Cities rising to the challenge

By Greg Clark | 23 April 2014

Cities minister Greg Clark on the emergence of strong civic leadership as a pre-requisite for att...