York City Council has welcomed news that the Government is considering moving the House of Lords ...
The Local Government Association is about to launch a review of its peer challenge process. Paul ...
The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) has written to the Chancellor warning of the...
Maidstone BC has named a construction firm involved in the refurbishment of Grenfell Tower as its...
Local authorities are still being held back from providing more homes, a new report examining the...
A social enterprise law firm formed by three councils has reported that losses increased from £30...
Westminster City Council has called on the Government to amend planning regulations to allow loca...
The Government has dismissed council concerns over registrars potentially refusing to perform sam...
South Somerset DC has paid £9.7m for an office block 150 miles away in Welwyn Garden City as part...
The chief executive of the NHS has slammed ‘perverse’ planning rules making it easier for fast fo...
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