Author Profile

Rob Whiteman CBE

Articles by Rob Whiteman CBE

Getting to grips with a tough gig

By Rob Whiteman CBE | 09 October 2024

Public services need bold reform from a fresh government, says Rob Whiteman. He looks at what nee...

Managing the art of the possible

By Rob Whiteman CBE | 08 July 2024

Despite the urgent issues in local government that need addressing by the new Government, the rea...

Money matters

By Rob Whiteman | 29 May 2024

As I retire from my position as the chief executive of Chartered Institute of Public Finance and ...

Retrograde is no way to fund financial recovery

By Rob Whiteman CBE | 26 March 2024

If councils call out the Government for glossing over the facts, they must ensure terms such as b...

Selling the family silver is a mistake

By Rob Whiteman | 06 March 2024

The Government is Incentivising councils to sell off publicly-owned assets, 'but these flexibilit...

Fundamental reform of council funding will require a cross-party initiative

By Rob Whiteman | 21 November 2023

If the next Government sticks to current commitments, performance in services will deteriorate fu...

Section 114s: where are we headed next?

By Rob Whiteman CBE | 31 July 2023

After a spate of councils issuing section 114 notices, Rob Whiteman looks at what has been done s...

A proper fair funding review is needed for levelling up to make a difference

By Rob Whiteman | 11 July 2023

More than seven years ago the Government launched a call for evidence on the needs and redistribu...

Council tax rises are set to continue

By Rob Whiteman | 18 April 2023

Given the economic outlook, even councils where tax has risen may still need to use reserves to b...

It will be the service user who risks losing the most from delayed audits

By Rob Whiteman | 07 March 2023

As the NAO report concludes, delays in local audit accounts pose a risk to the Whole of Governmen...