Anthony May says hybrid working will play a big part in helping Nottinghamshire CC to deliver the...
We must use what has been learned from COVID-19 to agree a new relationship with Government, base...
For better or for worse, the Devolution and Local Recovery White Paper should be a long overdue c...
The County Councils Network has set the 'income guarantee' that is crucially needed to address lo...
Anthony May looks at how local government has ‘pivoted to this new normal, perhaps faster than an...
The incentives to act on tackling climate change are clear and present, but none of us has all th...
To get its voice heard by an incoming government, the sector should unite around the main themes ...
Anthony May says we need the long-awaited devolution framework and it must set out a clear bluepr...
Colleagues shared their ‘passion, energy and commitment’ at the Association of County Chief Execu...
The social care Green Paper must set out proposals that recognise the need to develop a motivated...
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