We had little option but to take legal action around housing asylum seekers

Great Yarmouth is among a number of councils in the midst of legal proceedings around the accommodation of asylum seekers. Sheila Oxtoby says 'with appropriate funding and multi-agency collaboration this is a situation we should be at the heart of. Sadly, we’re not.'

One of the biggest folders in the new Prime Minister's inbox is the file marked ‘immigration' – issue which has vexed successive Governments for two decades is back at the top of the agenda as the Home Office grapples with the number of asylum seekers arriving here.

With an estimated 40,000 people making the Channel crossing this year arriving with often nothing more than the clothes they stand in, the spotlight is on a process which appears to be in turmoil. In Great Yarmouth we are among a number of local authorities in the midst of legal proceedings around the accommodation of asylum seekers.

Sheila Oxtoby

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