As councils grapple with COVID-19 it is not just the extra expenses incurred but the loss of earn...
It would be a tragedy for local government if an increased recognition of its role in keeping soc...
If local councils are to capitalise on the zeitgeist of the climate emergency then they need some...
Paul O'Brien says the public will be fairly unforgiving if, having raised their expectations on p...
Trust in councils is on the rise – reaching its highest level for three years.
Climate change is a challenge, but the trick will be to harness the agenda to redesign our towns ...
The first phase report of the Grenfell public inquiry may have focused on the weaknesses in the f...
If austerity is coming to an end then maybe it's time some of those who have held frontline servi...
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for a dynamic and inspiring Service Director for Planning, Economy & Culture... Apply for this job
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for an experienced Housing and Community professional to join our leadership team... Apply for this job
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for a dynamic and inspiring Service Director (Practice, Improvement and Quality)... Apply for this job
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for a dynamic and inspiring Service Director for Planning, Economy & Culture... Apply for this job
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for an experienced Housing and Community professional to join our leadership team... Apply for this job
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for a dynamic and inspiring Service Director (Practice, Improvement and Quality)... Apply for this job