This is the core of the centre’s problem: its lack of understanding of the huge untapped potentia...
The carousel of contradictory decisions on Northern Powerhouse Rail might serve the centre in an ...
Central-local relations require reform before efforts at devolution and levelling up can truly wo...
Interim director of IPPR North, Arianna Giovannini, says scrapping supplementary vote looks like ...
What will the devolution agenda look like under Michael Gove, asks Arianna Giovannini? The cases ...
Dr Arianna Giovannini says Sheffield voters' decision to reject the strong leader model was a 'vi...
Local government has been repeatedly reformed, reshaped and hollowed out, says Arianna Giovannin...
Arianna Giovannini says there is a consistent lack of clarity about what levelling up means - an...
Mayors in the North seem to have grasped the importance of the message that politics can speak to...
There is nothing local or ‘place-sensitive’ in measures packaged in Whitehall and forced on to co...
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