A group of councils has written to the Government demanding action to protect community organisat...
Gateshead MBC is to formally consult on proposals to bring its housing services back in-house.
Strategic co-ordination centres are being formed across the country with the nation on an ‘emerge...
Trade union Unite has said its dispute with Veolia over holiday pay for refuse staff working at T...
Some UK councils have closed parks and other public spaces in a bid to protect people from the sp...
Trade union Unite has branded the Government’s promise that social care workers would have full p...
The Government has said it is ‘in regular contact’ with broadband and mobile operators to make su...
Councils across the UK are reducing parking restrictions as part of the fight against coronavirus.
Local government secretary Robert Jenrick is coming under pressure to extend the deadline for cou...
The UK’s biggest cities have urged ministers to embrace an ambitious devolution agenda and not ‘m...
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