Despite its name, centralism reigns in the Localism Bill, with ministers believing local authorit...
Gordon Brown's plans to consider the constitution include councils, but they should be seen as mo...
No-one has explained why it was essential to issue the White Paper on local government in October.
George Jones and John Stewart welcome the Local Government White paper
It’s an exciting time to join Campbell Tickell. A management and recruitment consultancy focusing mainly on public and non-profit sectors. Apply for this job
Are you interested in applying for one of the best jobs in local government? Apply for this job
As we develop our new Local Plan, we are looking for talented people to help us turn that vision into a reality. Apply for this job
It’s an exciting time to join Campbell Tickell. A management and recruitment consultancy focusing mainly on public and non-profit sectors. Apply for this job
Are you interested in applying for one of the best jobs in local government? Apply for this job
As we develop our new Local Plan, we are looking for talented people to help us turn that vision into a reality. Apply for this job