Planning 'dysfunction' leaves new homes vulnerable to floods

‘Dysfunction’ in the English planning system is leaving new housing development vulnerable to flood risks, according to a report published today.

© Ronstik/

© Ronstik/

‘Dysfunction' in the English planning system is leaving new housing development vulnerable to flood risks, according to a report published today.

Research by the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) found the current system was failing to secure long-term resilience.

The TCPA said the evidence used to make planning decisions on flood risk was often out of date and difficult to access, and urgent action was needed to improve the quality of data.

It said regulation was currently ‘hindered by institutional complexity and a complicated division of roles and responsibilities'.

Senior projects and policy manager Celia Davis said the planning system was ‘failing to deliver safe developments due to procedural issues, which are borne out within a malfunctional system'.

She added: ‘Fundamental change is needed to secure a regulatory regime that keeps communities safe from the increasing risk of flooding for the long-term.'



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