The ambitions of the English Devolution White Paper will need a decade of renewal rather than a single parliament to fulfil, says Jonathan Werran.
Local government has called for a ‘fundamental review of council tax’ in a long-awaited report.
The Government has been urged to divert NHS funding to ease pressure on local government.
The Scottish Budget has pledged to ‘enhance the fiscal empowerment of local government through wo...
London Councils is seeking to strike a single settlement deal for the capital with the Government.
Devolution in England is a key instrument in the Labour Government’s economic growth agenda, but ...
The UK could introduce a hypothecated payroll tax like in France, a former adviser to a series of...
Former communities secretary Greg Clark has said local government reorganisation should follow th...
Devolution must come with reform of council funding allocations or it could worsen inequalities, ...
David Phillips says that In the excitement about devolution, it is vital not to forget another bi...
Devolution is entering a significant new phase, says Luke Raikes. He sets out the immediate chall...
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Together we’re the moment makers Apply for this job
Together, we’re the moment makers Apply for this job
You will lead and direct the council wide management of transformational workforce changes. Apply for this job