Paul McFarlane

Paul McFarlane

Paul McFarlane is from the Employment Lawyers Association
  • Not the finished article

    11 February 2016

    Paul McFarlane explains why the new draft Public Sector Exit Payments Regulations are unnecessarily complicated and likely to be unhelpful

  • Striking threat

    14 May 2015

    Paul McFarlane says trade union reforms to be announced in the Queen's Speech make it likely that we will be entering into a period of increased industrial unrest.

  • Breaking the strike law?

    07 April 2015

    If the Conservatives gain an overall majority, the stage is set for a battle royal between Unite and employers if the union fails to get more than 50% turnouts when balloting for strike action, writes Paul McFarlane.

  • Boomerang bosses plan concerns lawyers

    24 September 2014

    The Government has proposed putting forward legislation to claw back exit payments from boomerang bosses.